Competition Rules
The Aloha Open complies with the competition guidelines of the World Swing Dance Council (WSDC). As a competitor, you are responsible for knowing the divisions in which you are eligible/required to compete, for understanding the WSDC Points Registry Rules, and for using your WSDC Competitor ID number when registering for competitions. WSDC rules mandate that you dance in the Jack & Jill divisions at the appropriate skill level for which you qualify.
General Eligibility
Each competition is open to all competitors in good standing who:
hold a full weekend package ticket
register by the official entry deadline(s) (see the weekend schedule)
pay the required entry fee(s) and complete any required entry forms, including signed waivers
meet all other specific entry requirements as outlined in these rules
Multiple Registrations
Each eligible competitor may choose to enter one Jack & Jill skill level in their primary role, and a second Jack and Jill division (one level down) in their secondary role. Violations will result in the contestant being deemed disqualified for an incorrect competition.
Violations will result in the contestant being deemed disqualified for an incorrect competition.
Entry fees are due for each competition division that a competitor enters.
Waiver Forms
Each contestant must sign the appropriate waiver form. No contestant will be permitted to compete without a signed waiver form.
All contestants under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign any required forms. All dancers under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian in the ballroom with them at all times.
Age Requirements
Outlined in the specific qualification for each age based division.
Competitors under the age of 14 are not allowed to compete at this event.
Appropriate Behavior and Dress Code
It is the desire of the Organizer to encourage expressive and exciting dance performances without sacrificing quality of dancing and good taste. To encourage this balance, any action that the judges believe would make them uncomfortable in a social dance setting (such as wearing inappropriate attire or showing disrespect toward one’s partner, other dancers, or the event) is prohibited. Comedy routines and props are not allowed. Competitors should check with the Organizer or Chief Judge in advance if they have questions regarding the acceptability of their routine or competition attire.
Responsibilities of Competitors
1. Planning Ahead. Competitors should check the weekend schedule in advance in order to arrive in time to meet registration deadlines. They should bring appropriate competition attire. They should also plan ahead so as to be on time for all meetings and competitions. Competitors are responsible for checking at the event for any changes to previously-announced schedules, which are always subject to change.
2. Knowing the Rules. All competitors should read these rules carefully prior to competition. Competitors are responsible for adhering to these rules whether they have read them or not. Questions about the rules should be asked in advance to the Organizer or the Chief Judge.
3. Being Prepared to Compete. Competitors should be present in the ballroom at least 15minutes prior to the start of their competition, so that they are ‘checked in’ and in que for the competition. Competitors are responsible for their bib numbers. Any change in partnership for the couple’s competitions may require an additional entry fee as well as a new entry form and waiver. Any cancellation by a competitor or couple after the registration deadline will result in the loss of the entry fee.
4. Demonstrating Good Sporting Conduct. Competitors must demonstrate good sporting conduct at all times, both on and off the competition floor. Competitors may not speak to judges regarding their placements or scores until after the awards have been given. It is bad sportsmanship to badger or argue with judges about placements and scores. Competitors must also refrain from any behavior that the judges deem inappropriate. Failure to adhere to this code of behavior may result in disqualification.
Petitions for Reclassification
All competitors shall be eligible for all skill level contests per the WSDC Advancement Chart. In the event that competitors feel uncomfortable with their assigned classification, they may petition for reclassification on their entry form by providing a brief, written explanation of the reason(s) for their request and completing a WSDC Petition Form.
Competitors must submit such petitions at the contest registration desk prior to the earliest registration deadline for the competition(s) in question.
Petitions for reclassification will be reviewed by the Chief Judge, and contestants will be notified as quickly as possible of the outcome. All decisions regarding petitions are final. The Organizer reserves the right to reclassify any contestant for any reason.
Changes to These Rules
The Organizer will make every effort to conduct all competitions in accordance with these rules. However, the Organizer reserves the right to make any changes in schedule or format deemed necessary for any competition.
“Points” means points listed in the World Swing Dance Council Competitors Registry.
· “Swing” is an American Rhythm Dance based on a foundation of 6-beat and 8-beat patterns that incorporate a wide variety of rhythms built on 2-beat single, delayed, double, triple, and blank rhythm units. The 6-beat patterns include, but are not limited to, passes, underarm turns, push-breaks, open-to-closed, and closed-to-open position patterns. The 8-beat patterns include but are not limited to: whips, swingouts, Lindy circles, and Shag pivots. Although they are not part of the foundation of the dance as stated above, 2-beat and 4-beat extension rhythm breaks may be incorporated to extend a pattern, to phrase the music, and/or to accent breaks.
The Jack & Jill competitions are designed to highlight social dance skills in spontaneous swing dancing and the ability to dance well with a variety of partners. A bit of “luck of the draw” comes into play as well.
Competitors enter as individuals, are randomly assigned partners, and dance to music selected in advance by the Competition DJ. Depending on the number of entries, preliminary and semi-final rounds may be held and will be danced in a heated format. Competitors are judged individually in preliminary and semi-final rounds.
Competitors are randomly paired with a dancer of the opposite role in the finals; and are judged as a couple. Finals may be danced in a heated format, a jam ‘with throw-out’ format, or spotlight format; as may be determined by the Organizer and Chief Judge at the event. Length of performances and number of songs, and number of Callbacks will be at discretion of the Chief Judge.
Each division must have at least 5 leaders and 5 followers. There is no maximum number of competitors.
Competitors can register as leaders or followers, regardless of gender, sex, orientation, etc. Each competitor may enter one skill level Jack & Jill competition in their primary role (Newcomer, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, All-Star, Champions) and, if desired, may enter in one skill level Jack & Jill competition in their secondary role (one level down).
Competitors may not enter as a leader and as a follower in the same division.
Couples must maintain physical contact except for spins, turns, short breakaways, and recoveries. Dancers must maintain their own physical contact with the floor during partner weight support moves, i.e. no lifts.
Division Qualifications
Our qualifications for entries promote fairness and competitor enjoyment by grouping dancers of similar abilities in the same division. Eligibility for skill level divisions shall be per the World Swing Dance Council Advancement Chart. Should any information outlined below be in conflict with the WSDC, the WSDC Advancement Chart shall supersede.
If you are not comfortable dancing in the division where these qualifications place you and would like to dance up or down, please petition (see “Petitions”).
Competitors who are new to competition, but who have a practical knowledge of basic patterns; and have no WSDC Registry Points.
Competitors with 1 Newcomer point (in either role) must compete in Novice.
Competitors with less than 16 Novice points must dance in this division.
Competitors with 16 to 29 Novice points may dance in this division.
Competitors with 30 or more Novice points must dance in the Intermediate division.
Competitors with 16 to 29 Novice points may dance in this division.
Competitors with 30 or more Novice points must dance in the Intermediate division.
Competitors with less than 30 Intermediate points must dance in this division.
Competitors with 30 to 44 Intermediate points may dance in this division.
Competitors with 45 or more Intermediate points must dance in the Advanced division.
Competitors with 30 to 44 Intermediate points may dance in this division.
Competitors with 45 or more Intermediate points must dance in this division.
Competitors with less than 60 Advanced points must dance in this division.
Competitors with 60 to 89 Advanced points may dance in this division.
Competitors with 90 or more Advanced points must dance in the All-Star division.
Competitors with 60 to 89 Advanced points may dance in this division.
Competitors with 90 or more Advanced points must dance in this division.
Competitors with less than 150 All-Star points must dance in this division.
Competitors with 150 to 299 All-Star points may dance in this division.
Competitors with 300 or more All-Star points must dance in the Champion division (if offered).
Competitors who have placed 1st-5th in a Champions or Invitational Jack & Jill or Strictly Swing held at a qualifying major event in the last 5 years (see definitions) must dance in a higher division.
Kama'aina Strictly
Mainland resident dancer has to partner with a Hawaiian resident